New curriculum profile
The Circular and Sustainable Woodworker
Short Version
This report’s aim is to define the Skills, Knowledges and Competences (SKC) required for the new professional profile of the Circular and Sustainable Woodworker.
New curriculum profile
The Circular and Sustainable Woodworker
This report starts from the results synthesised in the previous deliverables “D2.1 – Report. Desk
Research and Market needs. For a Woodworker expert in Sustainability and Circular Economy”,
“D2.2 – Survey results” and “Transnational Workshop Report” to match them together and
fine-tune the Skills, Knowledges and Competences required for the new professional profile of
the Circular and Sustainable Woodworker.
Desk research and market needs.
For a Woodworker expert in Sustainability and Circular Economy
The first deliverable of the Woodcircle project, titled “Desk research and market needs. For a Woodworker expert in Sustainability and Circular Economy” opens with the analysis of the status of the wood and furniture sector at a European level, with a special focus on the major challenges it had to face in recent years (the COVID-19 pandemics, the war in Ukraine, the supply chain disruption and the shortage of raw materials), and on the opportunities offered by the Green Transition and the Circular Economy.